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We encourage students to develop their leadership skills throughout their time at St James’. As a school we know each student and their unique talents and can match them with the right opportunities to enable them to fulfil their potential as part of the St James’ family.


St James’ Catholic High School appoints Prefects every year. The most recent Senior Prefects appointments are Job C (Cheadle Catholic) as Head Boy and Olivia P (St Peter’s) as Head Girl. The deputies are John Paul K (St Mary’s, Dubai) and Mya R (St Winifred’s). The Head Boy and Girl of the school are responsible for managing the whole of the Prefect Body, ensuring that all duties are carried out correctly and that the Prefects are the ultimate role models for all other pupils in the school. Duties of the Head Boy and Girl consist of representing the school as St James’ ambassadors, making speeches at school events and being an integral part of the induction process for the new Year 7s in September. The Senior Prefects are split into three key groups based on our school values of Family, Faith and Excellence. Our Family Prefects focus on raising the profile of mental health and well-being, mentoring younger students and being form ambassadors. Our Faith Prefects lead on whole school charity events, collective worship and whole school Masses. Our Excellence Prefects tutor our KS3 pupils, acting as reading buddies for younger students and representing each faculty as an ambassador. All Prefects are key to all major school events, such as organising Open Evenings and Parents’ Evenings, taking parents and pupils on tours of the school and generally welcoming visitors to St James’. As ambassadors for the school, the Senior Prefects ensure that the views of all pupils are represented and listened to by coordinating student voice for a wide range of school issues such as teaching and learning and extracurricular activities. 

  • Head Boy: Job C (Cheadle Catholic) ‘At St James’, our school values of family, faith and excellence are demonstrated through everything we do. We offer a plethora of opportunities for children with varying interests whether that be academic, creative, or physical. Our school family will nurture these interests with an end goal of educating and developing global Catholic citizens.’

  • Head Girl: Olivia P (St Peter’s) ‘I am honoured to be part of a community where family, faith, and excellence are at the heart of everything we do. We are more than just children; we are a family, united by our shared values and dedication to supporting one another. I believe that education extends beyond the classroom with our faith guiding us to act with integrity and compassion. The pursuit of excellence drives us to achieve our best in academics, sports, and the arts, while our commitment helps us make a positive impact in our community.’

  • Deputy Head Boy: John Paul K (St Mary’s, Dubai) ‘When I first arrived at St James’, I was genuinely surprised as I was immediately welcomed into the St James’ tightly knit family. I travelled around a lot as a child, and most people just treated me like an outsider. However, St James’ really welcomed me into their community and treated me like I had been here for ages. The teachers and children follow and live by the key values of Faith, Family and Excellence and this is seen every day by every person. The academic rigour that the children demonstrate is truly inspiring, and I am genuinely happy to have my schooling here.’

  • Deputy Head Girl: Mya R (St Winifred’s) ‘St James’ is a wonderful school with a nurturing environment, children are supported, respected and valued, allowing us to become the best version of ourselves. We are guided by faith and strive for excellence with the support of the whole school family. Children can engage in a wealth of extracurricular activities to learn new skills or develop existing talents and interests.’

Lennon M Elliot F William R
Amy B Jessica F Corey L
Grace G Emily M Miguel M
Poppy K Aidan S Lucy W
Sophia B Ethan M Rocco M
Karolina S Alex F Josh T
Elizabeth P William G Elisha S
Johan J Sean J Natalie S
Lucy A Grace R Lillie D
Matthew S Jake H Emily C
Molly N Lucas H Alice F
Andrea J Sofia D Humaira N
Joe A Harry T Olivia M
Alice R Sophie H Toby D
Anna D Aliah G Charlotte H
Claudia R Emilia B Sadie O
Leia J Eve K Claire I
Ruby H Emily T Eden B
Maja L Sam W Orla M
Megan M Joe K Cara S
Logan H

“The school council and prefects are actively involved in school life. Their input leads to changes to the school for the benefit of all pupils.”

Ofsted 2022

Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

Matthew 19:26