Students at St. James’ are very generous with their time and money, working throughout the school year to raise money for our designated charities.
Last year’s fundraising efforts saw more than £1500 raised for Mary’s Meals, a wonderful achievement and testament to the generosity of our school family. Donations were also made to CAFOD and the Good Shepherd Appeal, well done St James’.
This year our Faith prefects have chosen CAFOD as our school charity and all Year groups will be working together to raise funds. One of CAFOD’s tag lines is “No one beyond reach” and this is something we want to contribute to during our fundraising efforts this year. You can find out more about their work here.
We will be organising lots of events throughout the year to raise as much money as possible. We have also set up a dedicated option on ParentPay where you can make a donation to support our students in their fundraising efforts. You can follow the link here, any donations would be gratefully received by ourselves and CAFOD. Our Form groups have already been coming up with ideas of how to raise money and our Faith Prefects will be supporting them in their efforts.
The Chelwood and Stockport Foodbank
We once again decided to collect for one of our local charities to support people within our local community who were experiencing difficulties. Our children and families were incredibly generous and our Faith prefects helped coordinate the donations from each Year group. The charities were grateful to receive such generous donations.